Mytwosentences 109


The bald boy of five, dressed head to toe in a full Superman costume, had an unmistakable light in his baby blues that completely lit the carpeted elevator we were sharing with his obviously exhausted father.
As dad hyperventilated pure love through his perfectly matching Superman outfit, he looked into my tearing eyes with a heart-wrenching blend of unimaginable pride and utter helplessness.
(Photo: Edward Roads)

Written by Edward Roads

98 thoughts on “Mytwosentences 109

  1. Wow as a parent I can not even imagine the helplessness…
    Heart-wrenching yet beautifully captured Edward. The words hit every sad feeling inside me.
    Dad is the superhero in this story.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow! This is my favorite one so far. Goose bumps!` You got a whole story with deep heartfelt feeling in just 2 sentences. And with that picture…well. My admiration for you has gone up many stairs, and it was pretty high already. You are inspiring.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. By the way, do you accept awards? It takes a little bit of time, but well worth it. It may increase your blog traffic so that you meet new bloggers, and they meet you.I have a Liebster for you if you like, If not, I understand. Let me know.
    Again – beautiful inspiring piece

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love this – I shared on my facebook page & tried to tag you, but your name didn’t come up. However, linked under #edwardroads. This is a powerful post and perspective changer for me this morning!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Reblog: fighting childhood cancer – Top of JC's Mind

  6. This made me tear up! What an awesome place these hospitals are and also the workers. My daughter works in the medical profession and has been a patient since the age of 2…so I know the look of this dad! How in the world can you say so much in two sentences that touches this mommy heart? Beautiful! Keep up the good work. I needed a little break from work and I’m so glad I stopped by to read your beautiful two sentences! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  7. what a gift you have…
    living within absolute unbreakable love in those two sentences…breath-taking beauty in life under exhausting moments
    your Spirit shines between each word you know Thank you for sharing….
    Take Care…You Matter…

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I am enthralled by how easily you are able to give such a heart-filled story in only two sentences. I love how the blog world helps to direct me to amazing writers that I might never have found on my own. Thank you for sharing this. I hope you go far with your writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Mytwosentences 109 | How my heart speaks

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