Mytwosentences 112


For far too long, she found herself subdued by the pungent stench of truculence simmering alongside countless seasonings within the broad bouillabaisse of society.
Despite the cynics seeing her billowing positivity as pure floccinaucinihilipilification, she had permanently removed the foul smell from her stagnant soul through a simple daily embrace of one thing wonderful.
(Photo: Edward Roads)

Written by Edward Roads

Mytwosentences 111


The close-knit family of seven, who congregate every Sunday for supper since his deployment last year, optimistically tell stories and share shoulders around a table set for eight.
Like a loud stereo suddenly unplugged, deafening silence befell the breathless room as unified smiling eyes observed a polished yellow taxi proudly delivering their distinguished hero.
(Photo: Edward Roads)

Written by Edward Roads

Mytwosentences 110


Every morning, once the programmed coffee maker finished brewing, a middle-aged widow and her adored stepdaughter sat at the kitchen table to reflect on a lost love who left the precious gift of geminating inseparability.
After helping with the breakfast dishes, the doughty little girl ran outside to water her three favorite flowers while the novice homemaker fell against an empty sink clutching her anniversary pearls.
(Photo: Edward Roads)

Written by Edward Roads